Friday, October 07, 2005

Funny Stuff

So this morning Ashley, my roommate, and I were walking down to breakfast, and I noticed I accidentally splashed water on my sweatshirt when I washed my hands because there were water spots on my follows the conversation:

Rachel: Oh no! I splashed water all over me!
Ashley: No, I think you just have holes in your stomache.
Rachel: oh...

That was pretty funny! And guess what?!?! Ashley lost her belt, she can't find it...3 items our gnome thief has stolen (my comb, my highlighter, and Ashley's belt), we have yet to caught the gnome, though. Well I studied for my econ quiz which is tomorrow...I think I'm gonna be able to go to bed early this Thursday night. Keep the comments coming. Oh just a note...I changed the settings so ANYONE can leave a post..I didn't realize I could change that, until now. So even if you do not have a blog username, you can still post a comment! Just leave your name at the end! So those of you who don't have blogs and have wanted to leave a comment...leave one!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Here are some more funny pictures! Enjoy!

These are two members of my I-team (I shall leave them un-named for their privacy haha) on the retreat on the way to chapel! Classic facial expressions, don't ya think?

me and my brother, Matt (this one is for you bensheets!)

This is from my brother's wedding, I was making up dance moves!

I love posting pictures...brings back memories! Hope you guys enjoy the pictures.


Wednesday, October 05, 2005

I Guess I Really Should Major In Math...

Yup...check that baby out! I owned my calc test. I got a 100/100, I was 1 of 2 people to get 100%...ha and I questioned my decision to major in math a few nights ago. This made my day.


P.S. This is the 2nd post of the day so if you haven't seen the earlier one with all the pictures...check it out!

The Most Powerful Living Thing In The Universe...

For the first time in a while...I have nothing to do! Seriously...I got back from a lecture at 11am and for 30 minutes I've just been...looking at my pictures from over the summer. There are some random pictures at the end of the blog for you to enjoy. Somebody leave a comment! So here's a verse that's got my heart at the moment:

Hebrews 4:12
"For the word of God is living and active. Sharper than any double-edged sword, it penetrates even to dividing soul and spirit, joints and marrow; it judges the thoughts and attitudes of the heart."

woah. Do you know what this means? The Bible, (technically it's not biologicall living) is the most dangerous and powerful living thing in the universe. Get it? Nothing can penetrate the heart and soul as deeply as the word of God. Nothing is more powerful...not money, not status or wealth, not weapons...the word of God. How amazing. Okay here are some pictures!

Yvonne, me, and my mom right before seeing a very popular musical "Wicked"

I love making funny faces!

John, Herb, me, and our Frontier Reunion (youth group) Ya know what is so cool about this picture? Don't laugh...I love my arms in this picture...they look toned! How awesome is that!?!?!

Reggie!!!! This is Jared and Yvonne's nephew dog. I love Reggie so much! Every person should meet him, he's adorable...and a curious little guy!

The Finale: My Wonderful and Amazing Family!
Yvonne (Jared's wife), Jared, Mom, Dad, me, and Matt

Well, I hope you enjoyed viewing these pictures cause I enjoyed picking them out! Now you guys better leave a comment!


Tuesday, October 04, 2005

Studying is my life

Seriously...I feel like studying is my life. I went home this past weekend, which was so nice...however I had to study pretty much the whole weekend. The only relaxed time I had was when I was at church, eating with my family, or 10 minutes watching "Dumb and Dumber" with my parents right before we left to take me back to school. It was kind of weird though walking into my home and my own room after 6 weeks! It was so cool though, man, my parents rock, I love them! I had two exams today, one in Calc and one in Astronomy...I didn't think they were too terribly hard...I was able to finish every problem and answer every question...we'll see though. I got back from my exams at 3pm, and I pretty much did more studying to catch up on the work I didn't do while I was studying for my mid-terms. Well I'm going to go to bed early, and sleep in late. Goodnight...I'll write more later!