The Most Powerful Living Thing In The Universe...
For the first time in a while...I have nothing to do! Seriously...I got back from a lecture at 11am and for 30 minutes I've just been...looking at my pictures from over the summer. There are some random pictures at the end of the blog for you to enjoy. Somebody leave a comment! So here's a verse that's got my heart at the moment:
Hebrews 4:12
"For the word of God is living and active. Sharper than any double-edged sword, it penetrates even to dividing soul and spirit, joints and marrow; it judges the thoughts and attitudes of the heart."
woah. Do you know what this means? The Bible, (technically it's not biologicall living) is the most dangerous and powerful living thing in the universe. Get it? Nothing can penetrate the heart and soul as deeply as the word of God. Nothing is more powerful...not money, not status or wealth, not weapons...the word of God. How amazing. Okay here are some pictures!

Yvonne, me, and my mom right before seeing a very popular musical "Wicked"

I love making funny faces!
John, Herb, me, and our Frontier Reunion (youth group) Ya know what is so cool about this picture? Don't laugh...I love my arms in this picture...they look toned! How awesome is that!?!?!

Reggie!!!! This is Jared and Yvonne's nephew dog. I love Reggie so much! Every person should meet him, he's adorable...and a curious little guy!

The Finale: My Wonderful and Amazing Family!
Yvonne (Jared's wife), Jared, Mom, Dad, me, and Matt
Well, I hope you enjoyed viewing these pictures cause I enjoyed picking them out! Now you guys better leave a comment!
you're awesome, rach. love the pics. i think you need more pics of me, though.
ok post of pictures will be all of you! hehe
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