Wednesday, September 21, 2005

i am complete

I wanted to post something before I have my big study night. This is the night where I just totally focus on studying...I feel motivated. Early today I got to chat with Kim over Jesus revealed so much to me through was amazing. He just shared a bit of His plans for me...deep desires that were inside my heart but I had not actually known they were there...I don't know if it makes sense to you, but it makes absolute 100% sense to me! But I feel soooooo filled and complete. I feel 100% completed and filled with the Holy Spirit. I'm falling more and more in love with God everyday. This totally motivated me just in my studying...I have no idea why, but I was sitting in Calculus sooo focused and determined to understand what the prof was saying. So, this may scare some of you, but I am excited to study tonight.


Tuesday, September 20, 2005

God's Mightiness!

Sunday morning I slept in, since I was behind on my z's. I woke up around 11:15am, it felt really nice to get a lot of sleep. Then Kim and I walked over to St. John's church because Kim had to do a photography project where she photographs things that portray reconciliation. She took pictures of me reconciling with God. Well I found out this morning (Monday) that the pictures didn't turn out and that we had to do it again. So we went to the church again to take pictures. I thought this time I could really focus on being a girl who was broken and empty, longing for the love of God. It was quite difficult, because when we went to take the pictures there were a lot more people praying, so we had to get permission from the priest and go on a side isle. I will post the pictures once I get them. Hopefully they will turn out, I'm excited to see them! Earlier today in Econ 103, a big hairy and huge spider almost attacked my foot (not really) but I defended myself and squashed it. It was absolutely terrifying!!!!! Oh wait, I have an even more terrifying story that happened when Kim and I were walking home from going to St. John's for the second time. The weather was quite eerie, it was very dark. We walked on a sidewalk that went behind Foellinger Audition. When we got right next to the Bevier Building by Goodwin St. we saw some guys looking at the sky. So Kim and I looked at the sky, it was freaky!! There were dark clouds moving very quickly towards the Southeast. But silly Kim and I just watched and Kim took cool pictures. After about a minute or two, we look down the sidewalk of the way we came and heard a big gust of wind coming, and saw people running, so Kim and I decided to get outta there. We crossed Goodwin, yet stopped about 4 feet short of the sidewalk because the gust of wind caught up to us and was so powerful. There were two trees 30 feet in front of us on either side of the sidewalk, and the wind sure did rock them, they definitely were bowing to the ground. Suddenly a huge, thick, and heavy branch fell in the middle of the sidewalk, where we would have been if we kept running. Kim and I were so terrified, we sprinted for our lives for the back entrance of Busey. It was seriously so scary! I felt like I was in a horror movie, where everyone was running from the disaster. God sure can show his mightiness in scary ways!!! Well I better get some shut eye. Hey if you are reading this, leave me a comment! I like getting comments and I don't get many of them. So if you read this, you are now obligated to leave a comment, HA! Goodnight!


Sunday, September 18, 2005

What do you see God in?

Yesterday was a fun day, however I was running on only 5 hours of sleep. I woke up around 8:30am and went to a women's breakfast for Illini Life. We talked about really made me think, I'm still processing what God's teaching me about community. When I got home I did a bit of studying and a lot of talking on instant messenger, I'm building a lot of friendships right now, it's awesome. I went to Illini Life, and Wayne talked about community, so it was a nice weeked of community! Afterwards instead of hanging out with my I-team I decided to hang out with a few sophomores and a freshman that I just met the night before. We had fun, we went to this guy's apartment and played Mafia, I was the investigator the first round and I rocked at it. Afterwards we went the "dawg haus" (I forget how they spell it). We jumped on the trampeline in the backyard for an hour. HAHA, we had fun. Around 1:30am we were soo tired so we all went home. I didn't hang out with another I-team tonight, just people more my age, to get to know them more. It made me realize that I love my I-team, they are my family now, and I missed hanging out with them last night. I want to hang out with these new people I just met when I can, but my I-team is my family. Of course right when I got home, I started talking on instant messenger a bit. But I slept till 11:15am, so I got 8 hours of sleep. I definitely needed that. I'm gonna end with this : I see God in creation, music, and math. What do you see God in?
