Hey y'all,
Yes it has been a while since I have written on my blog. I've been so busy. But I'm here and I'm going to fill you in on what's new in my life. Well I am a sophomore now, this is the year that I apply for a Secondary Education minor. This is it, if I don't get into the college of Education, I'm not really sure what I'll do. I was freaking out before, but then I realized that this is all in God's hands. If it is God's plan to use me through teaching high school math, He will make it happen. It's kind of discouraging though being in really hard math classes, like Math 347, a proof class, I hate it. It's easy to get down on myself but I just gotta go to God with those feelings. I feel like my life is crazy, but one day I heard on the radio that when you feel like your life is out of control, God is in control. I'm learning to really trust God in all of this and give him each day. I'm working on having a Sabbath day. I work really hard during the week to get my work done so I have minimal work on Saturday and no work on Sunday. I have found a new place to work out, Memorial Stadium, running the stairs. And I like doing homework at Meadowbrook Park on Windsor and Vine.
Oh, one huge thing that happened is I switched I-teams. I am no longer in the Allen I-team, but I have switched to Bromley I-team. I am very glad I switched, it was a good decision. What confirmed that was at the Fall Retreat we had an amazing small group time where we were all real and honest and open with each other and with our struggles. That is the first time since being at I-life that I was apart of a small group like that, it was amazing. My friend, Julianne, and I are working on leading a Bible Study for girls in our I-team. We are going to focus on an amazing book "Passion and Purity" by Elisabeth Elliot. Julianne and I really want to encourage deep spiritual friendships between the girls in our I-team, that is a passion of ours. Well I have posted a bunch of pictures of some things I've been up to since being at school. have a wonderful day!
here to serve,

My beautiful nephew, Joshua, and I

The Adventure Race with Illini Life, we got 4th place out of more than 15 teams!

We cooked a delicious meal at the girls' house one friday night!

A bunch of us made a spontaneous excursion to Brookfield Zoo on a saturday!

A group picture at the zoo!

Me, Julianne, and Bekah at the Fall Retreat

Me, Bekah, Ashley, and Julianne

Big group

Bromley I-team playing "The Game," well we got 2nd but we are always 1st, haha.