Saturday, April 18, 2009

my nephew is an awesome dancer!

Last weekend I was hanging out with my brother and sister-in-law, and around my nephew's bedtime he got super excited and started dancing away and busting out new moves he learned. Check it out...

Monday, April 13, 2009

It's been tooo lonnnngggg

It's been very long since I have blogged...what have I been up to? Student teaching! I posted some pictures of my students from my student teaching placement at Urbana Middle School. I am student teaching now at Centennial High School which is providing me with a very different experience! Being at the high school has been very challenging, but definitely a great learning experience. Here are pictures....

1st Hour Honors Algebra

4th Hour Algebra Connections

5th Hour Connected Math

6th Hour Honors Algebra

7th Hour Connected Math

Me with my team! To the left of myself in the green is my cooperating teacher!