Tuesday, September 30, 2008

the first miracle i have witnessed God do in my life

ok....this is so amazing...you ready?

I had an exam in my math 406 class this past friday.

i started studying thursday night and studied two hours. after two hours i felt that i had hit a brick wall. i paid attention in class and kind of understood what was going on, but i felt staring at my notes any longer was not going to help. and i felt God just tell my heart to go to bed. so as i was getting ready for bed i felt this strong sense of fear in my heart. i have never felt so scared for a test in my life, i feared that i would fail.

and then realized "where is this feeling of fear coming from?" and sensed i was definitely being attacked, and so i prayed against the fear. and here's my journal entry that evening:

Isaiah 29:14
Therefore once more I will astound these people with wonder upon wonder; the wisdom of the wise will perish, the intelligence of the intelligent will vanish. (He totally led me to this verse)

I ask you to pour your wisdom and understanding into my mind so that I can do well on this test tomorrow. And when I do well I can give all the glory to you, because I will know it was not my knowledge but yours.

AND SO, the next day I took the exam, it was hard but i felt that i did alright.

And then yesterday our professor was handing back our exams...I saw the scores of people around me, 60s and 70s. The curve was 85 to 100 was an A and 65 to 85 was a B. I was thinking "alright, i got a pretty good chance of getting a B i think." he hands me my exam, and my jaw drops.

I'm seriously speechless.

I got a 100.

Now you may think that I really did know the material and studied hard and rightly deserved that 100...but honestly I didn't. I see it as making absolutely no sense, no one around me got anywhere near to my score. It was completely God. And it is so rare for even a smart kid to get a 100 in a 400 level math class. I wanted to cry and fall to my knees and praise the name of Jesus.

I felt like my Father was just saying "You keep loving me with all your heart and building my kingdom, and I will provide and carry you."

How good is our God.