Tuesday, October 04, 2005

Studying is my life

Seriously...I feel like studying is my life. I went home this past weekend, which was so nice...however I had to study pretty much the whole weekend. The only relaxed time I had was when I was at church, eating with my family, or 10 minutes watching "Dumb and Dumber" with my parents right before we left to take me back to school. It was kind of weird though walking into my home and my own room after 6 weeks! It was so cool though, man, my parents rock, I love them! I had two exams today, one in Calc and one in Astronomy...I didn't think they were too terribly hard...I was able to finish every problem and answer every question...we'll see though. I got back from my exams at 3pm, and I pretty much did more studying to catch up on the work I didn't do while I was studying for my mid-terms. Well I'm going to go to bed early, and sleep in late. Goodnight...I'll write more later!


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