Monday, September 12, 2005

Learning To Be Silent and Serve People

Hey y'all!
I was so determined to go to bed before 11:00pm that I forgot to blog last night! Sorry! Yesterday I went to Quest...Andy's message was amazing. God is teaching me about silence. First at Upper Room Friday night Chris had us all be silent for 10 minutes...and then Andy talks about how we need to be silent to hear God's voice. Here are some things I picked up from his message:
--Is there a connection between the amount of noise in our own lives and our inability to hear God?
--If I am not still and don't listen, how is Jesus going to give me rest?
--God WILL show up in silence.

Wow, how amazing! Then I went to Dos Reales with Quest people (my brother had something else going on). Anne and I went to Wal-mart to go shopping. Anne is a high school math teacher...I am going to be a high school math cool is that! I worked out at CRCE and then ate dinner (I had a waffle, yum!). Then I went down to the Busey Lounge to's quiet down I think I found my official study place. At 8pm I went to Laura's apartment and played "Settlers of Catan" with Ty and Laura. The game is a mix between Risk and Monopoly. Ty won. Darn. Afterwards I talked to Jared and Yvonne...they rock...and Matt, he called. I love my siblings! They are amazing. Everyone should meet them...and my parents...they are amazing too!
Have you ever heard of Facebook ( It's pretty much a way to meet other students at universities. if you have an email that ends with ".edu" you can have a profile. Anyway, you can search people and "add them as a friend" however the other person has to confirm that they want to be friends with you. If you are, then that person is listed on your "Friends List." well I saw Dee Brown (the cool illini bball player) so I added him as a friend...and guess what...he confirmed me as a friend too! So Dee Brown and I are facebook friends. So I could technically talk to him through facebook. This morning I got up at 6:30am and worked from 7:15am-9:45am. After ECON at 10am I realized that I had a lot of time on my hands since I didn't have math class this week so my next class wasn't until I went down to the Busey Dining Hall and worked from 11:30a-1:45pm. The first shift I was runner (refilling hot food). I love working in the dining hall, so I was really enthusiastic about it, and just had fun. My supervisor (Gina) noticed and said something to my boss Bill. I guess Gina is gonna write me a commendation letter (goes on my dining services record for if I wanna apply to be a supervisor--it's a good thing) and Bill told me that I did a good job and that he was proud of me. Wow, that made me really happy. I was just having fun...serving people. Well I'm gonna work out now at CRCE. I'll blog the rest of this day later. So I'm having a good day!



Blogger chud31 said...

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6:36 PM  
Blogger matt said...

can you tell Dee Brown i say hello?

5:46 PM  

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