I Feel Smart!

(this photo is courtesy of my parents)
Okay, I'm gonna use a lot of exclamation points for this post!!!!! I slept in til 830am...that was yummy! I worked from 11-1230pm...it was same as usual. I ate a hot dog and chicken tenders for lunch. Usually I eat a turkey sandwich. In Biology of Human Behavior I think my professor wanted to make the class more interesting so he lectured on different kinds of monkeys and showed movie clips of them...and imitated them. I wish I videotaped him acting and walking like a monkey...it was quite priceless...trust me! Then I figured out my really difficult calc homework with a classmate at eSpresso royale (it's not expresso...saying it wrong is Val's pet peeve, hehe). After orchestra I went to Val's apartment, and had dinner with Val and Lauren. It was fun hanging out and just chit chatting. Val's kitten, Princess, is so funny to watch. And now...I'm here...I've finished all my calc homework save one problem, but it's an odd-numbered problem, so it won't be graded therefore I'm not gonna waste 5 more hours trying to solve it. I've tried sooo much to solve it and couldn't so I'll figure it out when the professor show's how it's done. I think I wanna go to bed early tonight. Hmmm...yeah! Welll goodnight...and remember...the conquering lion will break every chain (it's a song).
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