Monday, September 05, 2005

Didn't Get Any Homework Done Yet

I forgot to post about yesterday last night. Oops. Yesterday I went to Quest with Matt. I saw Val and Lauren from I-life so I sat by them. There was a baptism during the service, it was cool. After the service, Lindsay, Anne, Matt, and I went to Hoopeston, IL (1 hour away) to go to Mandy Field's (now Sangha) parents farm for a barbecue party. It was nice and relaxing. Angela Sangha was there, which was awesome, it felt like I was home cause I saw her. We talked a lot and caught up on a lot of things. I had steak, mashed potatoes, and absolutely delicious macaroni and cheese. Mandy's family was so welcoming and hospitable, it was so cool. We left around 6pm and sang Disney songs and Christmas carols on the way home. Matt and I went to Matt's house and I worked on homework, and Matt cooked me dinner! He's so thoughtful! Around 9:30pm we went to Adam and Erin's house for a get together. I talked to Allison a lot and talked to Yvonne on the phone. Then Anne, Allison and I were bored so we snuck around the side of the house and hid under a window and Anne made funny goat noises. I don't think anyone heard us, except Adam came outside and we ran away, but he saw us. After that Matt took me home. When we got to Busey we saw these two shady guys standing near the main entrance, as if they wanted to get in. It didn't seem right so I asked Matt to walk me to the door. As we walked to the front door, these guys followed us, they definitely wanted to get inside for some reason. So Matt and I started talking about our plans while these guys waited to get in. Finally they walked away and I slipped inside. Matt and I make a smart team. But that was the first time I didn't feel safe in Urbana. Now I'm really glad they have tight security for Busey, requiring your i-card to get in, and another swipe to get into either the Busey or Evans hall. Well I gotta shower. I'm out



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