Sunday, September 11, 2005

i am limited, but He is limitless

The pastor of Illini Life shared a pretty powerful message, and I took notes. These are lines from his message that really captivated my heart:
-The gospel is about passion and adventure
-That which touches my heart and my soul is a part of God's glory and beauty.
-Every pain I feel is a result of being cut off from my Creator
-Spiritual death is not what God designed for me--He created me for a relationship with Him.
-Jesus paid a debt He didn't owe.
-I can't earn eternity
-I was made to live in freedom
-Do not replace the core of the gospel with the fruit of the gospel.

Those are thoughts that really got me. After SNG Erin, Mike, Matt M., and Laura came over to my dorm room and ate my cookies while I put gym shoes on. Then we walked over to the Krannert Center to play capture the flag. It was cool...the way that the Krannert center is designed, you'd think it came from a James Bond N64 game level because there are many outdoor levels. We started around 10:15ish and we didn't finish til 12am..but the team I was on won! So I just realized this: I cannot describe God, because if I start to describe Him I compare Him...and one cannot compare God because he is infinite and limitless. Wow! God is soooo big. I don't think I really can comprehend God's hugeness because my mind is so limited.



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