The Conquering Lion Shall Break Every Chain.
Hi, y'all.
I'm gonna refrain from using any exclamation points...just for the heck of it (;-D). I have had itunes since the summer, however my online music store for some reason could not connect, and my brother and sister-in-law had given me a wonderful gift card to the itunes store, which I haven't used yet. Well, just for the heck of it, I went to and went to the discussion page and posted my dilemma. Someone told me how t fix it...and guess worked. So I've been buying songs today..thanks Jared and Yvonne for the gift card. One of the songs is called "The Conquering Lion," hence the title of this new post. Today was the first day I really didn't pay attention in a lecture, woops, hehe. I was tired, and everything that my professor says in the ECON lecture my TA repeats in a more detailed fashion in my discussion class. Don't worry mom and dad, it won't be a habit. But I did a crossword puzzle in the back of a magazine, and I copied down the notes that were on the overhead...I just didn't...listen. I have been working on my math homework for at least 4 hours straight. I decided not to go out this evening, but to do homework...but I didn't think I'd be doing only math...I thought I'd get to other reading done. I worked out before dinner....and Matt came over this evening just to hang out while I yelled at my math homework...(I almost put an exclamation there). Well I'd really like to go to bed early tonight. Here's a picture...just for your enjoyment...don't ask where I got it from...but it's funny isn't it?

the picture at the bottom of this post is supposed to be a movie clip, i hope you guys can see the clip!
i see a movie clip. is that a dog attacking a midget?
i think its a cat jumping on a toddler. hehe...i don't really know.
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