I Cannot Lie!
I slept in today!!!! WOOHOO! Then I worked from 11am-1230pm. I had a class at 1pm, and we got out early, at 2pm, when we're supposed to get out at 220pm! I had orchestra from 4pm-6pm! I love the pieces we're playing in orchestra! After dinner, I talked to my violin teacher, Julie, just to give her an update about orchestra and how I'm doing. She encouraged me to look for a violin teacher down in Urbana, I'll have to ask my orchestra professor, and see if I can afford it. Then I had I-teams at 8pm. We talked a lot of the hurricane. Afterwards, Laura, Ty, Matt, Allison, and I went to Expresso Royale for coffee or just something to drink. My chai latte definitely didn't taste as good as the chai latte I got at the "Ahrens Coffee House" in Prairie du Chien, Wisconsin. We played the "Two Truths and a Lie" game. I cannot lie, i start laughing. It's impossible for me. But Ty is a good liar! I came to eat my frozen yogurt, but it kinda melted, darn. This is definitely a short blog, because I'm sleepy. Here's another picture of the volleyball team from Monday!
Sleep tight!

You were on pace to break the all time Blog exclamation point usage at the beginning of your post.
You calmed down as you went, but still, I don't think I've read that many exclamtion points this past month.
Well done!
enjoy sleeping in while you can. i wake up by 7:30 every day now...
ha, i didn't realize how many exclamation points i used in this blog. haha that's funny, i make myself laugh.
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