Sunday, August 28, 2005

Happy Sunday!

(Mr. Snuggles and Johnny -->)

Happy Sunday!
I love Sundays, until it is late afternoon, because that means that it is the day before classes start again. But I guess it's better than going to high school for 8 hours a day. I woke up around 8:45am and got ready for church. I think I got a mosquito bite on my right big toe, cause it itches! And it itched all last night, darn. Quest this morning was amazing, Andy's message was so powerful. He talked about running the race, and throwing off all that hinders us. I think it is so often that we hold onto things that burden us, without realizing it, making it so much harder to run through life with our eyes fixed on Jesus, the prize. After Quest a bunch of Matt's friends, Matt and I went to this place that was called "Longhorn" but now known as "Hickory's" for lunch! It was yummy! After lunch I was going to go and hang out with Matt at his house and then go to an ice cream social at Adam and Erin's house, but I got an unexpected call during lunch. Jeff, a guy in my I-team that I met last night, called me to tell me a bunch of peeps were going to be playing volleyball. So Matt dropped me off there, and I played volleyball. I knew Jeff, Matt (not my brother matt a different one), and Clay there, but there were people I didn't know and met: Katie, Allison, and Allen. I was terrible at volleyball, sure, I got a bit better, but I felt so bad, hehe. It was fun! Afterwards I made a stop at the outpost for a nice cold glass of water and then headed back to the dorms. Ashley and I had some fun taking pictures with our digital cameras and singing along to "Wicked!" But before's the exciting news, Ashley and I walked over to the Krannert Center to see which orchestra I got in. I previously posted that I couldn't get into the UI Symphony (top one) cause I didn't audition with the audition music, so the highest orchestra I could get in would be the Philharmonia orchestra. And.....I got into the Philharmonia orchestra!!!!!!!!!!!!! Isn't that awesome!!!!!!!!! WOOHOO! I'm proud of myself. I worked hard on Barber's Concerto!!!!!!!! Right now, I'm watching "Million Dollar Baby," soon I'll call my folks and talk to them a bit, and then do a little homework. Tomorrow's a new week, and it's the earliest day of the week for me, because I work at 7:15 in the morning! Yikes. I'm out. Oh there are some pictures below that I took today!


(This is my little corner space!!!)

(Here's our room looking straight into our room from the fronti door, isn't our window pretty??)

(This is our neighbor to the left when you're facing our door from the hallway, her name is Alka, she is cool!)


Blogger matt said...

congrats on getting in to the top orchestra.

10:50 AM  
Blogger rachymayes said...'s not the TOP orchestra, because you have to audition with the audition music. i played my own piece, so i got into the highest orchestra i could get into by playing my own piece!

11:09 AM  
Blogger matt said...

that's what i meant. awesome. incredible.

5:23 PM  

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