Barn Dance!!!
I went to a Barn Dance Friday night! It was fun...a nice way to end a busy week. Monday night, Kim, Janice, and I got a surprise visit from Phil and Hannah. Phil is home from Iraq, he is leaving tomorrow to go back to Iraq until April. Phil and Hannah came over from ISU. We had a lot of fun just hanging out. Monday I also had an astronomy exam, on Tuesday I had an anthropology exam, Wednesday I had a calc exam, and Friday I had an Econ quiz. I have an econ paper due this week, I've got it planned out and everything and have written one paragraph. But I still have 5 more pages to write, and I gotta get it done sometime! Friday I did a lot of square dancing. It is actually really really fun! But my legs were soooo tired by the end of the night. Going to sleep felt really nice! I had a UI Philharmonia concert today, my parents, aunt, and grandma came down, that was really nice to have them visit. Well I better get back to work, but enjoy these pictures from the Barn Dance!
Kristin, Me, and Gina--they are my dining hall co-workers!

Me, Sarah, and Julianne!

Allen I-Team after the Barn Dance!

love the cowboy hat. but please don't start listening to country music.
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