Mr. Darcy, a man of God...

Seeing the latest theatrical interpretation of Jane Austen's "Pride & Prejudice" has caused me to find myself in deep thought about guys. And I've decided to publicly share things that I have talked about with other girls because I just feel God wants me encourage my brothers and sisters in Christ.
In "Pride and Prejudice," Mr. Darcy makes a bad first impression on Elizabeth Bennet, and Lizzy, hence forth, promises to loathe him forever, also after hearing stories of his cruel actions (which are later justified by Mr. Darcy). Yet Mr. Darcy finds himself drawn to her, and proposes. Lizzy rejects him. Yet Mr. Darcy fights for her. He pursues Lizzy's heart. Her presence captivates him. He does not give up and settle for low standards of manlihood, he rises up to the man he was made to be in the image of God and fights for Lizzy with all his heart. And in the end, Mr. Darcy finds Lizzy at the break of dawn and confesses to her "you've bewitched me body and soul...if your feelings have changed, then I wish never to be parted from you from this day forth.......I love you." wow, that's pretty passionate and intense.
Boys, girls need you guys to fight for us. Too long and too much have we seen guys not come through for us. And I'm not referring to boyfriends, just boys in general, friends. We want you to be men of God. You were created in the image of God to bear the qualities of God in masculinity, you bear the image of God as a warrior. Girls love it when guys are gentleman, by simply holding a door open for her. I was once hanging out with a bunch of guys and they started talking about girls, having a normal guy conversation as if I, a girl, wasn't there. Let me just say my self-esteem dropped a lot. Talking about the cute girls in their classes, and everything about the physical image of girls strikes the core weakness of us ladies.
Since the "Fall of Man," when sin entered the world, girls and men have been 'cursed.' I have already mentioned that the curse of men is not fighting for women and not rising up to the challenge of being a man of God. The curse upon women involves the issue of beauty. Since our enemy, Satan, was the most beautiful angel in heaven, his fall from heaven lost him that title, and when God granted women that crown of creation, Satan hated us since then. He attacks girls everyday, every minute. It's a curse. The enemy holds us down, trapping us with lies that we are not beautiful, not good enough, only ugly. Girls desperately seek guys to affirm their beauty. What girls really need to do, is find their beauty in God. God, the creator of beauty, makes us beautiful.
This movie, "Pride and Prejudice," pierced the core of my heart (probably since I'm romantic at heart) has struck my deepest hopes and longings in a man. A man of God, a warrior, a man who will fight for me. A man who will pursue my heart. It's easy to feel as though we are in a hopeless situation, that there are no Mr. Darcy's out in the world, searching for us, and that I will die an old maid. But maybe just holding boys accountable and encouraging them can give you boys some inspiration to rise up to your calling and challenge. These are my deepest feelings and thoughts at the moment that I needed to get out of my heart and share.
"I love you, Rosie. I *always* have. If I've been a jerk this last week,
it's because I've been fighting - I've been fighting for you.
I don't want to lose you to Tad Hamilton, or anyone else. You're the one."
--Pete from "Win A Date With Tad Hamilton"

By the way, everyone should see the newly released movie "Pride & Prejudice." To see the trailer go to the URL:
"You don't need scores of suitors; only one, if he's the
right one."
-Amy from Little Women
Hey Rach, that's some good stuff. If you ever catch me doing something that's not on par with being a man of God smack me upside the head and call me on it. Seriously smack me upside the head.
Well said Rachel. Fight this battle hard. A woman's heart is worth fighting for, and not worth giving to those who won't fight for it.
Preach it sistah CTU_Agent_For_God! You are so blessed to have this perspective on relationships at this young age. I hope that will spare you much heartache and help you keep your shield of faith up high until your Mr. Darcy enters your life and fights for your heart.
I saw the movie Thursday night and though it was awesome. All the girls in the theatre wouldn't leave when the credits came on because we were all in tears! I'll be buying this one on DVD, though I suspect Colin Firth way have been a better Darcy. Now I have to rent the BBC version and find out!
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