It's been a while!
Sorry that I have not posted in a while. The last few weeks before Thanksgiving break were absolutely ridiculous! I had a pretty intense workload I was trying to get through. The semester is winding down now, so it's pretty nice to be able to relax more and have fun! The last weekend before break I went to Mizzou in Columbia, MO to see and spend time with some dear friends from this summer in Colorado. It was a very good time catching up with people. Since break, we decorated the treehouse. Our living room is the coolest room ever (pictures to come). The christmas lights on the tree and on the garland that wraps around the railing of the stairwell glow in the evening. It's simply beautiful!
So here's a sad note: i re-sprained my right ankle over break (the one i sprained really badly and almost broke almost 4 years ago). when i went to the doc she told me i had to rehab it and stop physical activity for 6 weeks. that means no running! it was so devastating since running has been a huge part of my daily life. but now...i'm ok with it. julianne and i have taken up swimming. we'll go in the evenings as often as we have time. i must say it's actually really relaxing and nice, because it means i don't have to dread waking up in the morning knowing i'd have to get out in the cold and run. and it's the best for my shins and knees too, cause they felt like they were starting to deteriorate. but one physically activity that was not stopped is salsa dancing. i can't stop salsa dancing, and it doesn't really work my ankle. so yeah, im good :-) it's kinda funny though cause julianne and i were saying last night that we tend to go hardcore over things. like my freshman year we were hardcore on guys fighting for girls after reading "Captivating" by Stasi Eldredge. then also that year we went hardcore on running and training for a half marathon (which we never did that year cause of legit reasons). then this year we were hardcore runners. and now we are swimming...we are betting that we'll go hardcore swimmers soon haha. we definitely strutted our goggles on our foreheads as we left the house last night to go to the pool.
The living room has changed?! I don't think I've been over there for, like, a month or something... I should check it out one of these days when I'm not being run through a veritable meat grinder known as "my studies".
Keep on keepin' on, sister!
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