half way through the semester
wow, i can't believe i'm about half done with the semester. it's going by fast! wednesday mornings i go to a junior high 20 minutes a day and observe a math class in the mornings with a fellow classmate. this past wednesday morning, my classmate and i taught a lesson! for the first time, i stepped in front of a classroom of students as a teacher. how amazing it was! i'm so excited to have more experience and grow and as a future educator. this coming wednesday, i will be teaching a lesson again, but this time my classmate and i are teaching separately. i've been learning a lot about what it means to be an effective teacher and all that comes with being a teacher.
i had two exams this week, today actually, on thursday. i had a math exam and a religious studies exam. i studied so hard for my math exam, and i think i did pretty well! but man, i am so exhausted! monday through thursday afternoons are so busy for me. once its thursday afternoon i just crash! hmmm...well i can't wait for thanksgiving break and christmas break, to go home and visit my dear family and rest.
last weekend i went to a wedding. my friend that i met at LT and went to ISU got married to an Illini Life staff member here. it was fun to go to the wedding and visit friends from ISU I met at LT.

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